"Survive has given me the skills to work through my memories"

“Fragmented memories in the form of flashbacks from seven years of child sexual abuse flooded my waking hours. When I did sleep, I had horrific nightmares.

I received trauma therapy and Eye Movement Desensitisation Reprocessing (EMDR) to help me come to terms with my memories of horrendous abuse by multiple abusers.

Over time, I learned that every flashback was a signpost to the next memory to work on and my tolerance to the emotional rollercoaster grew.

Following my work with Survive, I have been able to go on a holiday with my family and swim in the sea – something I had not been able to do since I was a child. Survive has given me the skills to work through my memories and I am looking forward to getting back to work.”


Names have been changed to protect the identity of the survivor. Images are for illustrative purposes only.

Sexual abuse counselling services York


“I wouldn’t be here without you”

Towards the end of the work, there were no more flashbacks or trauma symptoms.

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