Anonymous Intelligence

Survive can help survivors of sexual violence provide information to the police anonymously .

About anonymous intelligence

Anonymous intelligence works a little bit like CrimeStoppers – it allows you to pass on information about someone to the police without having to report the crime or go to court. Your Survive practitioner can help you make an informed decision about whether or not to provide anonymous intelligence to the police and explain the process to you. If you would like to go ahead with it, then your practitioner can arrange an appointment for you. Survive will ensure there are measures in place to help you feel safe before, during and after the appointment.

How does anonymous intelligence work?

You meet with a named member of Police Staff and not a Police Officer. Note: Police Officers have a duty to investigate a crime if you give them any information, whereas Police Staff (who are civilians working for the police), do not have a duty to investigate a crime.

This appointment will take place at the Survive office on a 1-1 basis to ensure your confidentiality. However, you may choose to have someone take you to the appointment and arrange for them to pick you up afterwards. You can speak to a Survive practitioner after your appointment for some emotional support, or call the helpline anytime if you are struggling. You can also discuss your feelings and thoughts with your support worker or counsellor in your next planned session. Sometimes it can be helpful to bring written notes or a diary to the meeting to help you remember certain details. The appointment is flexible depending on how much information you would like to share, but is usually between 1 and 2 hours.

The Police Staff member will:

  • introduce themselves and explain the process, expectations and confidentiality;
  • ask you to explain in your own words, as objectively as you can, what happened, where it happened, and who was involved;
  • let you talk and from what you tell them, will draft notes based on what you tell them;
  • ask you to read the notes and confirm they reflect what you told them.


The Police Staff member will not:

  • ask you invasive questions or anything specific about the incident (only to clarify certain details);
  • record your personal details on the Police system
  • share your personal details with a Police Officer

What happens to the notes?

The notes are given a unique reference number (so that you remain anonymous).

Any personal identifying information is kept securely at the Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC).

The Police Staff member will then record information that you have shared with them as ‘untested intelligence’, which means an investigation will not be triggered as a result of the intelligence you have provided.


Will there be an investigation?

Anonymous intelligence will not trigger an investigation and will be classed as ‘untested intelligence’. If there are patterns in the intelligence you have provided, i.e. there is similar information between your incident/s and another separate incident/s on the police system, the Police Staff member who originally took down your details, will contact you to see whether you would like to formally report to the police.

If you decide to formally report the incident/s to the police, then there will be a formal investigation. However, it is entirely your decision to make and you are under no obligation to make a formal report to the police.

If you decide to not make a formal report to the police, then you will continue to remain anonymous, unless you choose to waive your right to anonymity at any point in future.


"Literally life changing and life saving therapy."

...thank you again for your amazing service, for hanging in there with me as I know I was so broken before.

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