Trauma Therapy
As the name suggests, Trauma Therapy is focused on the specific trauma/s you have experienced.
As the name suggests, Trauma Therapy is focused on the specific trauma/s you have experienced.
Your counsellor will work with you throughout this process on your memories and how your experiences have affected the relationships you have had subsequently. You will be expected to commit to attending weekly sessions.
Your counsellor will work with you in a safe and controlled environment. You will only be offered trauma therapy if you are assessed as stable enough to benefit from it. Your counsellor will work with you to tailor the sessions to help you reach your goals. Survive’s goals will be to reduce the impact the trauma has on you, as measured by the IESR Trauma Scale. For example, to reduce flashbacks or nightmares.
Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a technique used in trauma therapy that helps survivors work on their memories in a safe and controlled environment and address the root cause of their trauma.
The EMDR counsellor works with survivors to understand their needs and tailors sessions to help them reach their specific goals. Survive’s goals are to reduce the impact the trauma holds for them as measured by the IES-R trauma scale. For example, to reduce flashbacks or nightmares.
If you are going through the EMDR programme you may find that not every session will use EMDR. It is usual for EMDR to cause some destabilisation – in which case your counsellor will refocus on stabilisation techniques before resuming EMDR.
Over time, I learned that every flashback was a signpost to the next memory to work on and my tolerance to the emotional rollercoaster grew.